Sanjo Sanehide (三条実秀)

Sanehide SANJO (1598 - September 27, 1671) was Kugyo (court noble) in the early Edo period. He served the Imperial Court for four generations, from Emperor Goyozei (the 108th) to Emperor Gosai (the 111th), and was promoted to Juichii-sadaijin (minister of the left at the Junior First Rank). His father was Dainagon (chief councilor) Kinhiro SANJO. His mother was a daughter of Chunagon (Middle Counselor), Kiminaka OGIMACHISANJO. His lawful wife was a daughter of Gon Dainagon (a provisional chief councilor of state), Sukekatsu HINO. He had children, Udaijin (minister of the right), Kintomi SANJO and the wife of the lord of Nobeoka domain, Yoshimune NAITO.

In 1604, after he was conferred a peerage, he was promoted from one position to another and when he took the post of Konoefu (the headquarters of the Inner Palace Guards), he was celebrated his attainment of manhood. In 1619, he became Jusanmi (Junior Third Rank) and was ranked with Kugyo. After that, he successively held various posts such as Gon Chunagon (a provisional vice-councilor of state), Gon Dainagon (provisional major counselor), and Toka no sechie Geben (a kugyo who supervised many matters outside Jomei Gate at Toka no sechie [Imperial Court Ceremony]). In 1648, he was raised to Naidaijin (minister of the center). In the same year, he resigned this post. He had served as Udaijin from 1652 to the next year. In 1657, he was raised to Juichii (Junior First Rank) and he had served as Sadaijin (minister of the left) from 1660 to the next year. He was the person who could be on the road of the Saiga faily to fortune smoothly, because of longevity.

[Original Japanese]